Regionalni centar za talente



Student Filip Bošković dobitnik „Stephen W. Kuffler Research Scholarship“
Filip Bošković, student Biološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu polaznik i saradnik REGIONALNOG CENTRA ZA TALENTE BEOGRAD 2, , dobio je „Stephen W. Kuffler Research Scholarship“ koju dodeljuje Mađarska akademija nauka uz finansijsku podršku Evropske komisije. Nagrada se dodeljuje za najbolji originalni istraživački projekat studenata osnovnih i master studija sa područja Centralne i Istočne Evrope iz oblasti „life science“ i medicine. Filip je nagrađen za projekat koji je za cilj imao ispitivanje interakcija jonoizmenjenih formi zeolita tipa A sa DNK molekulima, karakterizaciju procesa i ispitivanje termodinamičkih parametara i kinetičkih mehanizama, kao i primenu rezultata u molekularno-biološkim metodama. Svoj projekat Filip je realizovao delom na Fakultetu za fizičku hemiju pod rukovodstvom prof. dr Borivoja Adnađevića, a delom u Laboratoriji za molekularnu biologiju biljaka IMGGI pod rukovodstvom dr Bojane Banović. Filip inače volontira u IMGGI i na manifestacijama koje Institut organizuje još od srednje škole.
Student Filip Boskovic awarded „Stephen W. Kuffler Research Scholarship“
Filip Boskovic, student of the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade and volunteer in IMGGE was awarded „W. Stephen Kuffler Research Scholarship“ by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with financial support from the European Commission. The prize is awarded for the best original research project of students of basic academic and master studies from Central and Eastern Europe in the field of life science and medicine. Filip was awarded for a project aimed at testing the interaction of ion-exchanged forms of type A zeolite with DNA molecules, characterization of the process and testing of thermodynamic parameters and kinetic mechanisms, and the implementation of the results in the molecular biology methods. The project was implemented partly at the Faculty of Physical Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Borivoj Adnadjevic, and partly in the Laboratory for Molecular Biology, IMGGE under the supervision of Dr. Bojana Banovic. Filip has been volunteering in IMGGE and at manifestations organized by the Institute ever since the high school.


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