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                                                  SOFIJA MILOVANOVIĆ

                                                    DR. NENADA PARENTE 10


                                                                 A device for carrying out the experiment is as simple, as the
          In  this  project  is  described  a  practical  solution  of  making   structure of oil pit. It is composed of a glass container with a
          installation which allows separation of water from the mixture   depth about 180 mm in which is placed on the wall a glass
          with the transformer oil in the oil pits of large substation.   pipe  in  the  form  of  the  cyrillic  letter  "Г".  The  lower  end
          Using  physical  and  chemical  properties  of  transformer   (opening) of the pipe is about 5-6 mm from the bottom and
          mineral  oil  and  the  basic  laws  of  hydrostatics,  there  is   the top at about 45 mm from the top is passing through the
          presented  the  solution  of  installing  the  outflow  pipe  which   wall  outside  of  container-  which  is  a  practical  imitation  of
          ensures  that  the  oil  pits,  although  they  are  always  full  of   solution of the oil pit.
          water,  at  any  time  can  receive  and  retain,  for  any  reason
          spilled transformer oil.

                                                                 The experiment is carried out by pouring water and oil in a
                                                                 container in several variants (with different ratios of water and
          DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONING OF                          oil).
          OIL PIT                                                This  experiment  demonstrated  that  in  none  of  these  cases
                                                                 hasn’t flowed out oil of the container, but only water.

          The principle of functioning of oil pit is based on the fact that
          mineral transformer oil, as a liquid with lower density, floats   RESULTS OF EXSPERIMENT
          on  the  water  surface.  So,  it  is  necessary  to  design  the
          installation which will help water, which is located below the   h v  (mm)   137   107   84   61   25   0
          oil, to throw out, but retain the oil in the pit.      h u  (mm)       0     34    62   88    128    157
          The following properties of the mineral transformer oils allow   Δh (mm)   0   4   8    11     16    20
          us to achieve this:
          • that its density is lower than density of water, and that is   CONCLUSION
          0,800 to 0,900 kg/dm³, and the density of water is 1 kg/dm³
          • that it doesn’t dissolves in water, and              By using this solution, separating water from the transformer
          • that it doesn’t coalesce with water.                 oil in oil pits, it would be a simple and relatively inexpensive
                                                                 way to prevent flowing large amounts of transformer oil in the
          On  these  properties  of  transformer  oil  and  the  previously   environment  of  substations  and  causing  huge  environmental
          described  principles  of  hydrostatics  is  based  solution  with   damages.
          wich  ,as  a  natural  process,  under  the  influence  of  gravity,
          automatically throw out water, and keeps the oil in the oil pit.   LITERATURE

                                                                    -   Milićević S., Mehanika fluida- teorija i praksa,
                                                                       Mašinski fakultet, Beograd (1998)
                                                                    -   Friš i Timorjev, Opšti kurs fizike, Zavod za izdavanje
                                                                       udžbenika Socijalističke Republike Srbije, Beograd
                                                                    -   Milovanović M., Praktično rešenje ekoloških uljnih
                                                                       jama u transformatorskim stanicma, JUKO CIGRE,
                                                                       Beograd (2005)
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