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Strength and strain mechanical observation using Holography Interferometry

                                                   Antonio Brozičević

                                      Regional Centre for Talented Youth Belgrade II, Serbia

                                                                pattern of resins and
          1 Introduction                                        mechanicalcomponents.

          Holography is a technique that enables three-dimensional
          images to be formed. Holography, with its unique depth of
          field and interferometric capabilities, is a powerful new
          tool for the study of strength and strain properties of
          materials. Strength and strain of materials are very
          important physical characteristics. Each material
          havedifferent physical properties. In our modern world
          those characteristics are very important for materials and
          their applications. Holography enables us to observe their   Figure 1.
          unique characteristics and their weak points.In this
          observation we test various materials throughout
          Holography Interferometry technique. Holography       4 Results of investigation
          provides very accurate results, which are essential for
          complex material analysis.                            These results characterize holographic real-time
                                                                measurements and analysis ofmaterial hardeningand
                                                                different types of mechanical stresses. While hardening
          2 Purpose of Investigation                            process take place we analyze mechanical properties of
                                                                dental resins. A series of 10 experimental samples were
          The purpose of investigation is to analyze and investigate   analyzed. We conclude that all 10 samples, which varied
          various materials and their mechanical and physical   in their size, results obtain pretty much the same values
          properties using Holography Interferometry technique.   without any large oscillations between samples.
          Holography enables three- dimensional observation of   Throughout interferogram analysis we conclude that at the
          materials, which is very essential feature for complex   beginning of process during first seconds after material is
          material examination. This technique will significantly   lightened there is no recognizable change, after about 10
          improve our understanding of materials properties, and   second obvious difference can be observed. The maximum
          their weak points. Also this technique provides very fast   deformation is attained at the end of process. From results
          and accurate results, which can be used as essential   we conclude that resin deformation starts to travel down
          diagnostic tool for material study.                   from the place were it is lightened, and start to contract
                                                                material which is around. Different types of mechanical
                                                                components such as gear wheels, which are tested,have
                                                                certain points where they excerpt more stress points then
          3 Method of the investigation                         on other places. Also every type of mechanical component
                                                                have their own weak points. Every mechanical component
          A Schematic view of the real-time holographic setup is   that was observed have their own properties that enable
          shown in Figure 1. Long coherence length, 532 nm second   usage in specific area of industry.
          harmonic Nd-YAG, laser was used. A beam was split and
          one beam was used to illuminate a material, while the   5 Conclusion
          second beam was utilized as a reference to irradiate the
          holographic plate (VRP-M green sensitive emulsion,    These experiments represent results of holographic real-
          produced by Slavich, Russia). Materials and components   time measurements of dental resin structure deformations
          used in this investigation are dental composite resins, and   and mechanical components deformations.Physical
          mechanical components used in industry. Mechanical    stresses which acts on them are observed thru ought
          components are different types of gear wheels, bearings,   interferograms. This technique enables testing of various
          and various metals. Mechanical components are exposed   mechanical components, photosensitive resins and
          to different mechanical stresses and observed trough   materials, with the aim to improve their mechanical
          interferograms.Dental resins used in this investigation   properties. This technology could significantly improve
          arelight –activated, which cure and quickly harden when   materials in future, which will be more permanent and
          exposed to specific light spectrum.Blue LED, (450-480nm   durable.
          wavelength) lamp is used to activate resin. It was
          necessary to use filters, in order to reject LED lamplight,   6 References [1] MilesaSrećković“LaserskaTehnika”,
          and transmit 532 nm interference patterns.CCD camera   (Serbia) Belgrade, 1998
          and computer detected and recorded the interference
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