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Optimization of electron gun

                                               Katarina Radinović Kapralović
                             Center for talented youth Belgrade II, Belgrade,

          1.  Introduction                                      electrons  with  initial  energy  of  0.1eV  from  Y=0.5mm  and
                                                                Z=0mm (Xis the axial direction).
          In  atomic  phisics  measurements  that  utilize  crossed  beam
          experiments with electrons as projectiles, it is very important to
          have  a  well-defined  both  the  geometry  and  the  energy  of  the
          electron beam. If the experiment does not require a very high
          energy  electron  resolution,  electron  gun  can  be  used  as  an
          electron source. Most commonly, the electron gun consists of a
          flat /or a hairpin) cathode that emits electrons through thermo-
          electron  emission,  as  well  as  of  a  few  additional  cylindrical   Figure1(left)  -  3Dmodel  image  from  SIMON8[1]  of  electron
          cathodes.  The  latter  are  used  to  achieve  a  precise  beam   gun and geometry of its electrodes.
          geometry, a good focusing at a desired distance and for setting   Figure2(right) - Potential energy (grey) from SIMON8[1] of the
          the electron beam energy. A difference of the potencial of the   electron gun and electron beam trace (black).
          cathode  and  of  the  last  electrode  defines  the  electron  beam
          energy,  while  the  energy  resolution  is  defined  by  a  thermal   Pulsed  mode  of  operation  was  achieved  by  applying  a  time
          distribution  of  electrons  emerging  from  the  cathode  (usualy   dependent voltage on the Wenelt electrode E1.
          about  0.5eV).  Furthermore,  various  applications  and  time  of
          flight  dependent  experiments  require  an  usage  of  a  pulsed   We  analyzed  Pierce’s  electron  gun  design  method  using  the
          electron beam, in order to sequence the measurements.   properties of complex functions and  Laplace equation to  find
                                                                the optimized electron gun and electrodes shape.
          2.  Methods

          In  this  study  we  have  made  a  model  in  SIMON8[1]  of  an
          electron  gun.  We  present  the  results  of  a  1MHz  pulsed
          operation  mode,  with  5ns,  10ns  and  20ns  pulse  widths.  We
          have  performed  voltage  optimization  for  the  range  of  (1-
          1000)eV electron energy, allowing theoretically to preserve the
          focal point at a fixed distance of 40mm from the exit aperture,
          in the continuous mode of operation, and with an influence of
          the  Coulomb  repulsion  between  electrons.  Furthermore,  we
          descrebed  Pierce’s  electron  gun  design  method  in  order  to
          obtain optimized electron gun and electrodes shape.
                                                                Figure3 - Pulsed voltage time shape of one full period of 1MHz
          3.  Results                                           pulse on electrode E2. Voltages b and a are arbitrary on and off
                                                                trigger  voltages  respectively.Pulse  with  and  slope  grades  are
          The first step in the simulation is to define a desired electron   defined with simulation variables t 1 , t 2 , t 3  and t 4 .
          optics  geometry  and  its  electric  potentials  via  special
          programming code, which creates geometry file. The program  4.   Conclusion
          then solves the Laplace equation for the electric potential and   Program SIMON8[1] was used for simulation of a commercial
          calculates the electric fiels defined by gradient of that potential   electron gun working in both continuous and pulsed mode. We
          by using a method of finite differences. This process gives the   investigated a possibility of obtaining a fixed focal point in a
          solution  for  the  electric  field  in  an  empty  space  between   wide energy range by tuning only one electrode potential. Also,
          electrodes.  After  having  defined  the  electric  field,  desired   we  presented  in  this  study  a  possibility  of  turning  from  the
          changed  particle  initial  conditions  can  be  defined  and  the   continuous into pulsed  mode of operation by setting a pulsed
          program  solves  differential  equations  of  motion.  In  the  final   voltage on the Wenelt electrode E2, down to nanosecond pulse
          step,  the  program  displays  particle  trajectories.  All  remaining   width  and  1MHz  repetition  period.  Having  analyzed  Pierce’s
          electrodes have fixed voltages, except for the E1 (in the pulse   electron  gun  design  method,  we  obtained  one  type  of
          mode). All electrode voltages are set relative to the cathode, in   cylindrical gun that we can designe analitically.
          order  to  keep  the  electron  gun’s  primary  electron  extraction
          lenses at nearly the same focusing capabilities, while changing  Refrences
          through electron energies.                            [1]  M.  Lj.  Ranković,  M.  Čeklić  and  A.  R.  Milosavljević:
          The  voltage  on  the  electrode  E4  was  optimized  via  special   Optimization of electron gun in continuous and pulsed operation
          iterative  LUA  programming  code  in  SIMON8[1],  in  order  to   modes. (2013)
          obtain  minimal  possible  beam  radius  at  the  distance  of   [2]Stanley  Hamphries,  Jr.:  Charged  Particle  Beams  (2002),
          d=40mm, from the last electrode E5. This is simulated for two
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